近日,Meta Quest商店公布了2023年的最佳榜单,共计10个分类。其中年度最佳游戏为《刺客信条Nexus VR》,年度最佳应用则被《Nano》摘得,其他奖项均有多款作品入围,具体名单如下:
图源:Meta Quest Store
▊2023 最佳游戏
- Assassins Tale(Innerspace)
- Not For Broadcast(NotGames, Babaroga)
- Pickleball One(Playin Games)
- PowerBeatsVR(Five Mind Creations UG)
- Tennis Esports(VR Motion Learning)
- CleanSheet(INCISIV)
- Cybrix(Holonautic)
- Crazy Kung Fu(Field Of Vision)
- Hitstream(And 7 Limited)
- Painting VR(Oisoi Studio)
- PianoVision(ZarApps)
- Out of Scale: A Kurzgesagt Adventure(Schell Games, in a nutshell - kurzgesagt)
- Nano(Lighthaus)
- Vermillion(Mountainborn Studios OÜ)
- Programmer VR(ProYuga Advanced Technologies)
- Noun Town Language Learning(Noun Town)
- Pillow(PilIow)
▊Quest 3上最佳
- Resist(The Binary Mill)
- MOTHERGUNSHIP: FORGE(Terrible Posture Games)
- Guardians Frontline(VirtualAge)
- Red Matter 2(Vertical Robot)
- Hubris(Cyborn BV)
- Drop Dead: The Cabin(Soul Assembly)
- BAM(I-Illusions)
- Battle Talent(CyDream)
- Breachers(Triangle Factory)
- Roblox(Roblox Corporation)
- I Expect You To Die 3: Cog in the Machine(Schell Games)
- Gorilla Tag(Another Axiom)
- Assassin's Creed Nexus VR(Ubisoft)
- Kill It With Fire VR(Casey Donnellan Games, Charm Games)
- Swordsman(Sinn Studio)
来源:Meta Quest Store